Trainee Teachers

Four Ways to Make Trainee Teachers Feel More Welcome

Did you know that a quarter of teachers in England work more than 60 hours a week, far in excess of their counterparts elsewhere in the world? Recent research found that teachers in England work 47 hours a week on average during term time, including marking, lesson planning and administration, going up to about 50 hours in the summer during the exam season.

It goes without saying that finding the time for anything other than your daily duties is extremely difficult. But what about helping trainee teachers who are taking their first tentative steps into schools? How can established teachers ensure that the next generation have the best experience possible?

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Teachers Test Pupils

Retrieval Practice: How Best Can Teachers Test What Pupils Have Learnt?

According to research, retrieval is a key process for both learning and understanding. As well as being a neutral assessment of a learner’s knowledge, the act of retrieval itself also produces learning.

But how best can teachers test what pupils have learnt in the classroom? What do you know about memory and how can you develop its capacity to learn?

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Celebrating 10 years of Strategy Education!

Strategy Education have been in the business of supplying outstanding teaching staff into the education sector for over ten years now!

In this time, we have built up a wealth of experience enabling us to match the perfect candidates to the right schools.

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Creative Writing

3 Ways to Get Passionate About Creative Writing

Getting your class passionate about creative writing is no mean feat, especially when you consider the amount of research, planning, teaching and marking involved to perform this activity in the first place.

But what if you could instil a love of creative writing among your pupils in just one day? It might sound impossible, but where there’s a will, there’s a way…

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websites for teachers

15 websites that every teacher and educator should know about

Professional development is at the heart of teacher practice. But in addition to learning on the job and formal training courses, you can increase your confidence and competence as a teacher by accessing the abundance of resources available online today, starting with the following:

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What questions do Ofsted ask parents?

As you’re probably already aware, whenever an Ofsted inspection is triggered, the head teacher of a school has to notify parents about the inspection and invite them to complete Parent View – an online survey that gives parents and carers the opportunity to tell Ofsted what they think about their child’s school.

At this moment in time, anyone can log in to the system and complete the survey as many times as they want. Some have argued that this could result in unreliable outcomes, as several questions were considered ‘dangerous’, such as: Read More

Bookshelf 2019

6 Books for Your Teacher Bookshelf 2019

Now that the summer holidays have started, you’re probably relishing the opportunity to put anything school related to the back of your mind. But in addition to some much needed rest and relaxation, you should also consider reading up on a few education topics that interest you.

That way, when the start of term rolls around again, you’ll be full of fresh ideas and impetus, ready to impress yet another year of school children.

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Work after school

Teaching Pupils About the Realities of Work

In order to help pupils develop their employability skills, teachers should always be thinking about how to integrate careers advice into the curriculum. However, this is easier said than done…

Thankfully, the research and training charity IGD has a number of free activities available as part of its Educator Hub, which should make it easier to teach pupils about the realities of work, even if your curriculum is becoming increasingly congested.

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4 Things Teachers Need to Do to Communicate Better

What would you say is the most important characteristic of a great teacher? Listening skills? Passion for the job? Or perhaps friendliness and approachability?

For many, it is the ability to communicate effectively. But this isn’t limited to the words coming out of your mouth – communication is about about when you say it, how often you say it, who you say it to and what your actions are saying.

So, if you want to communicate better, here’s 4 things you should be saying.

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(SPaG) Tests: Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

Do Teachers Have Enough Support to Deliver Them?

In 2013, the UK government introduced compulsory ‘SPaG’ (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) tests for all state schools in England at the end of Key Stage 2. This was because statistics revealed that children between 7-11 were below their expected level for writing ability.

A further test was also introduced in 2017 for children at the end of Key Stage 1, with the original KS2 test revised according to the National Curriculum. That year, despite arguments against the test, 77% of children reached the expected standard of the SPaG test.

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