autistic students

Tips for supporting autistic students

According to the National Autistic Society (NAS), around 700,000 people in the UK are on the autism spectrum. This means that along with their families, nearly three million people are affected by autism in daily life.

But while some young people with autism need a highly-specialised education, others can follow a more mainstream path and attend school alongside every other pupil.

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Preparing pupils for the next school year

Preparing pupils for the next school year

It goes without saying that preparation is key to being a great teacher. With lesson plans and homework schedules in place, you can rest easy that students will benefit from an enjoyable and effective learning experience throughout the year.

But is it also your responsibility to prepare pupils for the next stage of school life? Their main priority will probably be the summer holidays and escaping the classroom for half a dozen glorious weeks.

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Different Learning Abilities

Tips for teaching children with different learning abilities

From learning style and language aptitude to age, intelligence, and maturity, nearly every single classroom will be made up of students with different abilities and approaches. It is up to the teacher to recognise these distinctive characteristics and come up with lesson plans that speak to everyone.

But as you’re no doubt already aware, this is easier said than done. It’s hard enough to maintain attention and interest across the classroom, let alone tailor your teaching according to how each pupil prefers to learn.

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arts and crafts ideas

Eco-friendly arts and crafts ideas for the classroom

Confucius had a point when he said, “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”

Although its not always feasible to implement these wise words in the classroom, hands-on activity can be extremely beneficial in a child’s development. It can provide context to certain concepts, which might otherwise be difficult for students to comprehend.

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Tips for re-motivating your class after holidays

The vast majority of children returning to school after the holidays will have thoroughly enjoyed their time away from the classroom. But when the joys of taking a break become a distant memory, re-motivating students can be a real struggle, regardless of age or ability.

So, how exactly can you boost attention levels and encourage excitement in the classroom once again? Well, according to a neurologist and former teacher, the answer lies in brain science.

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homework for teachers

Tips on setting homework for children

There aren’t many children that like doing homework, but it remains an integral part and effective way of learning. Students also stand to gain invaluable time management skills, especially when homework involves multiple deadlines and subjects.

Homework is extremely beneficial for teachers too. After all, it provides a unique insight into how students are performing, their understanding of a topic, and attitudes towards education.

But how can you guarantee that all of these advantages come to fruition? Here are some tips on setting homework for children.

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How To Teach Large Classes

According to a recent report by the BBC, the number of secondary school children in England being taught in classes of 36 or more pupils has trebled in the last five years. This is despite the fact, a Department for Education spokesperson said, school class sizes had remained stable since 2006.

“It’s difficult to learn because there’s so many people around you, so you’re not focusing as much on the lesson” said thirteen-year-old Silas Ennis. “Everyone in the class agrees that there’s too many people in the classroom.”

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Dyslexia in students

Tips for supporting dyslexic students

According to Dyslexia Action, an estimated one in ten of the population have dyslexia, which equates to more than 6.3 million people in the UK. But despite such a high number, many teachers feel ill equipped to teach students with dyslexia.

In fact, 74 per cent of teachers do not feel satisfied that their initial teacher training provided them with the skills they need to identify and teach children with dyslexia. This sentiment is echoed by parents too, with two thirds believing that dyslexia is not recognised across the system.

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Are you motivated?

10 simple teaching methods to motivate students

Even at the best of times, motivation can be an all too common problem for some students. In fact, most teachers would be lying if they said that every morning is met with equal levels of excitement and enthusiasm.

But inspiring your students to focus their efforts on the learning task at hand doesn’t always have to feel like an uphill struggle.

So, the next time a lack of motivation threatens to bring your classroom to a grinding halt, here are 10 simple teaching methods that could push and propel students onto great things. In turn, your job will undoubtedly become a lot easier too.

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Pupil Behaviour

5 Tips to Boost Behaviour

Earlier this year, Tom Bennett’s independent review on behaviour in schools was published, which looked at leadership and culture as well as strategies to prevent classroom disruption and maintain good discipline. However, one of the most interesting aspects of the review was the inclusion of Charlie Taylor’s Behaviour Checklist, which calls for proactive, positive planning.

“Too often school leaders and teachers don’t think about behaviour when it’s good. They only think about it when it’s bad, which is counter-intuitive,” noted Taylor. “Planning for each individual child is vital especially when setting behaviour goals. Teachers just react to the child’s misbehaviour rather than having planned strategies in place.”

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