Marking work

The Great Marking Debate

Sometimes it seems as though there is no greater issue of contention in education than marking! Whether in Primary or Secondary education, there seems to always be an ongoing conversation about the value, necessity and regularity of marking with differing opinions from teachers, pupils, parents and SLT.

Teachers themselves don’t always agree about the benefits of marking, with some seeing it as an essential tool for feedback and progression while others see it as a waste of their precious time with no real benefit to pupils.

What exactly is it that causes marking to be so open to debate with no agreed solutions?

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Return to Teaching

Return to Teaching

There is an ongoing crisis caused by staffing shortages in schools because of the pandemic. Due to the Omicron variant spreading so widely and quickly, many teachers across the country are having to self-isolate. There is immense pressure on the government, particularly from parents, to ensure that schools remain open for face-to-face teaching so that another school year is not lost.

On 20th December 2021, Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi put out a call for retired teachers and those who have left the profession to return temporarily to fill the gap.

On 12th January, the government reported that it was estimated that 585 teachers had already signed up to return to teaching.

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Education feedback

The Power of Feedback: Which, When and How?

According to a new meta-analysis of empirical research published by Wisniewski, Zierer and Hattie (2020), feedback cannot be understood as a single consistent form of treatment. In fact, the impact of feedback is significantly influenced by the information and content being conveyed.

Also, somewhat surprisingly, feedback has a bigger effect on cognitive and motor skills outcomes than on motivational and behavioural outcomes.

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Coronavirus What Next For Education

Post-Coronavirus: What Next For Education?

It goes without saying that every organisation and industry around the world is being affected by COVID-19, especially education.

According to the OECD, every week of school closures will cause a massive loss in the development of human capital with significant long-term economic and social implications.

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Small Class Sizes

Do Small Class Sizes Have Any Impact?

In order to control spending and keep costs down, education policymakers often decide to increase class sizes. But what impact does this have on the academic ability and achievements of children?

A 110-page report by Campbell Collaboration attempts to lift the lid on class sizes and their effect on student learnings in both primary and secondary schools.

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10 Top Autum Books 2018

Top 10 Autumn Book Reads 2018

Now that the Summer holidays have past, the Autumn term is in full swing.

For those teachers that like a little extra curricular reading, there are no end of books written by experienced teachers or education professionals, which not only provide intriguing insight, but also some excellent advice.

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Job Share

Top Tips on How to Make a Job share Work

Job sharing has become increasingly common in the education sector over the past 10 years. It is an innovative new approach to employment that involves multiple teachers sharing a single employment contract. They share all aspects of the position, including its responsibilities, benefits, hours and vacation days.

How the contract is split can vary, ranging anywhere from 50/50 to 80/20. This type of arrangement is often preferred by teachers who are returning to the workforce after a pregnancy or illness. Job sharing is also used by teachers who prefer a more flexible work/life balance.

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New role

10 Tips For a Fantastic Start to Your New Role

Have you just landed a new job in the education sector? Congratulations! Roles in the education sector are fulfilling, challenging and interesting. You are going to love your new job.

While starting a new job can be very exciting, but it can also be nerve-wracking . You will be trying to make a great first impression on your new coworkers and bosses while learning a great deal of information about your new workplace.

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Teaching Assistant

Your Guide to Becoming a Teaching Assistant

Becoming a teaching assistant is an excellent way to start a career in the education sector. As a teaching assistant, you will be asked to provide support to a teacher in the classroom, which allows them to focus on instructing their students.

A teaching assistant will help the teacher to plan, organise, and deliver each lesson to students.  They will also work closely with students, monitoring their behaviour and helping them understand each lesson.

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