Teaching Career

Enhance your Teaching Career

Teaching is often described as a vocation, and indeed, many teachers are driven by their passion for education. However, it is also true that teaching is a profession where career development has an important part to play.

As teaching is constantly evolving, it makes sense for teachers to take ownership of their own growth.

Teaching career progression is not just about seeking promotion or increasing your position on the pay scale. It can also involve branching out, specialising or developing skills in particular areas of interest.

What are your goals?

Have you ever stopped to think about where you are headed? It would be easy to ignore your career and wait for opportunities to land in your lap. Sometimes, this does happen if you do your job well and are in the right place at the right time.

How about if you took control of your career by planning? We know that most teachers love a list and some colourful pens, so this should be right up your street.

Make time in your busy schedule to think about your next steps. You might want to include an end goal with objectives you need to achieve on the way. Breaking down the journey will help you create a realistic path to your end goal.

Seeing your aspirations written down is a valuable way of motivating yourself. Don’t forget to include dates and notes to create an active timeline to work through.

Be bold and ambitious. Consider all the possibilities to open up more ideas.

Reflect on your Achievements

Teaching is a career where you never stop learning. It’s worth reminding yourself of all the skills and victories you have accomplished.

Make a list of the courses you have completed, the training you have attended and how you have implemented the strategies in your classroom. Identify your successes with behaviour, SEND, outcomes, leadership and planning.

Think about the challenges you have overcome and write down your successful approaches.

Your positivity list will be a great reminder of what you have already achieved and will inspire the next stage of your career path.

Monitor your Progress

If you have set yourself some SMART goals, you must track your progress. Too often, teachers with a heavy workload will neglect the work they do for themselves.

Remember that your goals may need to be adapted as circumstances change or you discover new pathways. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you are falling behind. Patience is key, but you need to take action to make headway.

Embrace CPD

There are many ways teachers can upgrade their skills and develop their knowledge. Experience is valued in education, but you can fast track your career in several ways.

Your current school will offer in house training and some opportunities for attending courses. You can also tailor your CPD by researching seminars and workshops that match your goals.

Try searching online for ideas. Your union may offer free courses that interest you too.

Networking is also vital for your development. Link up with local teachers with your preferred speciality or attend forums and conferences where you will broaden your horizons.

Take the Lead

Being proactive can help you achieve your goals. Look out for vacancies and connect with people early. Let leaders in your school know what your aims are to allow them to support you.

It is worth contacting an education recruitment specialist like Strategy Education to assist you with your search. We can help identify opportunities in your chosen area and put you forward for those exciting roles.

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