
How Do Ofsted Select A School For Inspection?

Every week, Ofsted carries out hundreds of inspections and regulatory visits of services providing education and skills for learners of all ages.

For many years, it has used statistical models to ensure proportionate inspection of maintained schools and academies as well as independent educational institutions and programmes.

But in March 2018, Ofsted released a publication outlining the risk assessment process for good and outstanding maintained schools and academies, which involved individual assessment of published data alongside a more in-depth ‘desk-based’ review of a wider range of available information.

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Small Class Sizes

Do Small Class Sizes Have Any Impact?

In order to control spending and keep costs down, education policymakers often decide to increase class sizes. But what impact does this have on the academic ability and achievements of children?

A 110-page report by Campbell Collaboration attempts to lift the lid on class sizes and their effect on student learnings in both primary and secondary schools.

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Email Protocol for Schools

The Importance of Email Protocol for Schools

The amount of data today’s society produces is absolutely astonishing. Every day, there are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created, which is only accelerating with the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT). What’s more, 90 per cent of the data in the world that exists today was generated in the last two years alone.

In terms of electronic communication, 156 million emails are sent every minute, of which 66 per cent is spam. When you throw phone calls, text messages, social media notifications into the mix, its easy to get completely overwhelmed when trying to manage your email inbox at school.

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Dyslexia in students

Tips for supporting dyslexic students

According to Dyslexia Action, an estimated one in ten of the population have dyslexia, which equates to more than 6.3 million people in the UK. But despite such a high number, many teachers feel ill equipped to teach students with dyslexia.

In fact, 74 per cent of teachers do not feel satisfied that their initial teacher training provided them with the skills they need to identify and teach children with dyslexia. This sentiment is echoed by parents too, with two thirds believing that dyslexia is not recognised across the system.

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Teaching Jobs in Schools

How to choose the right school when job hunting

As opposed to the vast majority of other job hunters, would-be teachers have got more factors to bear in mind when weighing up their options.

In addition to standard considerations like salary and location, you also have to think about the size of the school, its reputation, its culture, the behaviour of pupils and the personalities of staff. Therefore, striking the right balance isn’t easy and you may have to sacrifice one ideal for another.

However, here’s how you can make the most informed decision and find the right school to match to your requirements.

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