Exams Increase Anxiety and Affect Performance

Do Exams Increase Anxiety and Affect Student Performance?

A recent study by Silah et al from the University of California has looked into the relationship between test anxiety and metacognition. The researchers’ main aim was to assess “how the quantity and relative weight of assessments contribute to the effects of test anxiety on performance and metacognitive accuracy.”

In other words, do tests with high and low stakes affect student performance when it comes to increasing or reducing anxiety and the ability to recall information?

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strategies to improve your teaching

3 questioning strategies to improve your teaching and workload

Questioning and teacher scripts have immeasurable benefits as an assessment tool. They can help with retention, behaviour and self-regulation, not to mention the long-term impact on teacher workload both in and out of the classroom.

What’s more, dialogue in class can help students activate hard thinking, enabling them to elaborate on themes and topics:

“One way for students to shoulder the responsibility for learning is for them to be the readers, writers, speakers, listeners, and thinkers in the classroom through active engagement in social interaction with others,” (Alvermann & Phelps, 2005; Vacca, Vacca, & Mraz, 2011).

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