
What questions do Ofsted ask parents?

As you’re probably already aware, whenever an Ofsted inspection is triggered, the head teacher of a school has to notify parents about the inspection and invite them to complete Parent View – an online survey that gives parents and carers the opportunity to tell Ofsted what they think about their child’s school.

At this moment in time, anyone can log in to the system and complete the survey as many times as they want. Some have argued that this could result in unreliable outcomes, as several questions were considered ‘dangerous’, such as: Read More

Child Safety Week 2017

Child Safety Week 2017 – What you need to know

As you may or may not know, Child Safety Week is the CAPT’s (Child Accident Prevention Trust) flagship community education campaign, which aims to raise awareness of accidents that injure or kill children and how to prevent them.

Rather than wrapping up children in cotton wool, the CAPT wants Child Safety Week to help families make informed decisions when it comes to protecting their kids. To do this, it promotes practical safety messages through the media in addition to supporting thousands of community groups, nurseries, centres, and schools with events across the country.

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Summer 2017

10 Free Things To Do With Your Children Over The Summer

Spending quality time together as a family can be extremely enjoyable. But even though the summer holidays allow for fun and frolics in the sun, it can also be quite a difficult and demanding six weeks, not to mention expensive.

After all, we all know how much prices go up during the summer holidays, while the boundless energy of kids knows no bounds. Therefore, it helps to have a few free things to do every now and again. Here are 10 suggestions:

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