strategies to improve your teaching

3 questioning strategies to improve your teaching and workload

Questioning and teacher scripts have immeasurable benefits as an assessment tool. They can help with retention, behaviour and self-regulation, not to mention the long-term impact on teacher workload both in and out of the classroom.

What’s more, dialogue in class can help students activate hard thinking, enabling them to elaborate on themes and topics:

“One way for students to shoulder the responsibility for learning is for them to be the readers, writers, speakers, listeners, and thinkers in the classroom through active engagement in social interaction with others,” (Alvermann & Phelps, 2005; Vacca, Vacca, & Mraz, 2011).

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monitoring to developing in 8 steps

How to go from monitoring to developing in 8 steps

Weighing and measuring instead of growing and feeding is all well and good. But in several schools up and down the country, we are still seeing monitoring and evaluation schedules alongside quality assurance timetables.

The problem with this is that it focuses on judgement when we should be giving precedence to improving the quality of teaching and learning in school. Thankfully, there are ways in which you can switch your mindset and deliver truly great teaching.

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COVID-19 affect teacher recruitment

Will COVID-19 affect teacher recruitment in the UK?

During the middle of this year’s coronavirus pandemic, a report published by the National Foundation for Education Research (NFER) looked at how the school system was progressing with the country’s ongoing teacher supply challenge.

Key findings of the Teacher Labour Market in England Annual Report 2020 included:

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Helping students with the illusion of learning through metacognition

There is a good chance you have heard the buzzwords ‘metacognition’ and ‘cognitive sciences’ banded around education circles over the past few years.

But how can teachers use them to their advantage and tangibly help students become more aware of their learning for better outcomes?

In the book How We Teach Now (2017), Carole L. Yue of Covenant College provides several valuable insights to teachers on improving learning metacognition and self-regulation.

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schoolwork covid19

Has a lack of schoolwork in lockdown caused ‘educational poverty’?

The closure of schools during the coronavirus pandemic poses a significant threat to the ‘educational development of a generation of children’. That is the opinion of Francis Green, Professor of Work and Education Economics, UCL Institute of Education.

In a recent research paper, Green looks at whether schoolwork assigned during lockdown has resulted in educational poverty for students.

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Spending More Time in School Improve Student Outcomes

Does Spending More Time in School Improve Student Outcomes?

With schools now starting to open following the COVID-19 lockdown, many leaders and teachers will be wondering how well students transition to the classroom again.

But because a great deal of time will be spent on health and safety rather than learning content, how can schools ensure that students are getting a worthwhile experience?

According to new research by Cambridge University, a lack of time and resources may in fact be a blessing in disguise.

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Great Teaching - 4 Essential Elements

A Model for Great Teaching – 4 Essential Elements

Knowing what makes a good teacher is a lot different to actually being one. So with this in mind, research organisation Evidence Based Education partnered with Cambridge International to produce the Great Teaching Toolkit: Evidence Review.

Contained within is a four-dimensional model that aims to help teachers identify the areas they can work on in their own professional development that will have the most impact on their learners’ outcomes.

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Dealing with Criticism and Abuse

Working In An Online World – Dealing with Criticism and Abuse

The current coronavirus pandemic has meant working remotely is the new norm for many. But does that mean we must simply accept that online criticism is standard practice too?

In a new paper – Harmful Comments on Social Media – published by the University of York (Law), author Kathryn Chick explains why social media has become a breeding ground for malicious, abusive, and offensive communications.

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Education feedback

The Power of Feedback: Which, When and How?

According to a new meta-analysis of empirical research published by Wisniewski, Zierer and Hattie (2020), feedback cannot be understood as a single consistent form of treatment. In fact, the impact of feedback is significantly influenced by the information and content being conveyed.

Also, somewhat surprisingly, feedback has a bigger effect on cognitive and motor skills outcomes than on motivational and behavioural outcomes.

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Coronavirus What Next For Education

Post-Coronavirus: What Next For Education?

It goes without saying that every organisation and industry around the world is being affected by COVID-19, especially education.

According to the OECD, every week of school closures will cause a massive loss in the development of human capital with significant long-term economic and social implications.

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