Child's School Results

How Parents Can Improve Their Child’s School Results

Children in the UK are graded from the time they sit their SATs at the end of Key Stage 2. From then on, they face assessments throughout Key Stage 3, followed by GCSEs and  A Levels.

Whether a child faces mock exams, the real thing, or even ongoing tests in class, it can be stressful for them and their parents. All anyone can ask is for them to do their best and achieve their full potential.

Can parents help their children do better and improve their results? Let’s look at ways parents can work with their children and schools to improve their outcomes.

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AI in the Classroom

Reviewing the use of AI in the Classroom

In this article, we will examine whether artificial intelligence has made a difference in education.

By reviewing the use of AI in the classroom, we hope to define whether it is still seen as a threat or an enhancement to teachers and teaching.

Of course, everyone has different opinions, but there is growing evidence of a pathway forward for using AI effectively. Indeed, as more schools embrace and experiment with the idea, we are constantly learning better ways to utilise this new technology.

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Internet Security

Teaching Children about Internet Safety and Cybersecurity

Children are younger than ever when exposed to the internet via various devices, including mobile phones, tablets, computers and gaming consoles. As they play, watch media or interact with others online, they are vulnerable to cyberbullying, grooming, hacking, identity theft and phishing.

Internet safety and cybersecurity are vital parts of technology education, and parents and teachers should share the burden to ensure youngsters can navigate the digital world safely.

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artificial intelligence

Embracing Generative AI in Education

In the same way that teachers embraced new technologies like interactive whiteboards and the power of the internet back in the 2000s, educators today are finding a path to maximise the potential of generative AI.

As with anything this revolutionary, there must be a paradigm shift that re-evaluates how teaching and learning will progress.

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cheating in class

Is cheating a major issue in education?

We are all aware that some cheating occurs. Naturally, there will always be students who will try to beat the system and get better grades without completing the extra work required.

You may feel that the occasional shortcut is relatively unharmful, but cheating can lead to challenging consequences when it becomes part of a setting’s culture. Indeed, it can affect wider society as well as individual institutions.

We wondered if cheating was a significant problem and investigated the depth of the issue.

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Improving Literacy Levels with a Knowledge-Rich Curriculum

Is it possible to improve literacy levels with a knowledge-rich curriculum? For many years in the U.K., we have focussed on non-cognitive skills and steered away from general knowledge.

A recent American study into using knowledge-rich curriculums to improve literacy levels explores their effectiveness from kindergarten through to 6th grade.

The results strongly suggest that curriculum interventions can indeed reduce literacy gaps and improve outcomes in other subjects.

Let’s examine the idea of improving literacy levels with a knowledge-rich curriculum in more detail.

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School leadership

Thinking about School leadership?

Schools are not just looking to recruit teachers. They also need to find new school leaders.

Stepping up to school leadership is rewarding but requires a complete change in perspective with an increased workload and far more responsibility.

In this guide, we will examine what school leadership means and what you need to consider before making the leap.

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